Introduction to Members area

  1. Purchases - shows items you have purchased
  2. Current Bids - Shows auctions you are bidding on.
  3. Offers - Shows offers for items and the status of the offer (accepted, counter offer, declined)
  4. Buyer Tools - Wish list, Favorite stores

  1. Open - Listing of all currently running ads
  2. Scheduled - Ads that have a specific scheduled date to go live.
  3. Closed - Ads that have been sold or expired
  4. Drafts - Unfinished listing that are neither live or closed.
  5. My sales - Items that have sold, with details on who purchased, address, shipping method and how much was paid, paid status and shipping status. Clicking on the truck icon, you can update the status of the item and add tracking information.
  6. Offers - if you selected the option to receive offers when listing your item, offers will show in this location. You can accept, send a counter offer or decline.
  7. Seller Tools:

Store - Create your own store front. This is a good choice if you make alot of the same items that you keep on hand. 

Feedback - Feedback you have received or sent for purchases

My Account